Telecom/Datacom Magnetics
UMEC offers a large variety of catalog product from Modem to xDSL to LAN for
your application. If your application is custom in nature, UMEC USA has design
capabilities to meet your custom transformer needs.
- APPLICATIONS: xDSL, T1/E1, T3/DS3, ISDN, LAN, Digital Audio, filters, common mode chokes, xDSL POTS splitter inductors
- CATALOG and CUSTOM designs
- IC manufacturer approvals to ensure performance
- PACKAGES: TH and SMD… single, dual, quad, octal, and custom modules: wide variety of industry standard packages available
- QUALITY SYSTEMS: ISO-9001, ISO-14001, QS-9000, Telcordia compliant
Telecom Magnetics RFQ Form
Power Magnetics
As most Switchmode transformers are custom in nature, UMEC USA has design
capabilities for your custom transformer applications. All standard package
styles available for use. During the design process, UMEC USA will recommend
the best package style to meet your custom application needs.
- APPLICATIONS: Flyback (continuous and discontinuous), Forward Converter (single and double ended), Push-Pull, SEPIC
- POWER RANGE: Up to 100 Watts
- ENGINEERING SUPPORT: Readily available for custom designs and problem solving on difficult applications
- PACKAGES: Wide variety of industry standard packages
- QUALITY SYSTEMS: ISO-9001, ISO-14001, QS-9000, Telcordia compliant
Power Magnetics RFQ Form